
These collections are some of our personal recommendations for composers to draw from when the score calls for a touch more nuance and subtlety.

Abstract surface textures (patinas)

Living room piano

Deconstructed Abacus made to resemble a swingset
Abacus by Richard Harvey

Vintage children’s instruments

Salu cover art

Close-up soundscapes

TIME micro cover art
TIME micro

Chrono chamber structures

Abstract, dark, cloudlike shapes

Gentle wind instruments

In addition to its felt and pure piano patches, Patina offers a variety of pads and plucks that are a great place to start for minimalistic scores. Abacus is a treasure trove of vintage children's instruments, which can add an innocent or sinister character in your minimalist pieces. Salu is a collection of close-up, intimate, experimental instruments and textures—perfect for saying a lot through very little. TIME micro is an exercise in the power of being understated. The gentle wind instruments of Whisper are perfect for creating a bed of ethereal tones and atmospheric harmonies. 

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