Period instruments and voices

A modern sample collection with a historical sound, Miroire includes a collection of period instruments and vocals inspired by an earlier era—all recorded with specialist musicians. Access sounds that reflect another time to build scores for period dramas or fantasy-themed TV shows, films, and games.

3 string ensembles
5 solo woodwinds and 4 brass instruments
Early music chamber choir
Style-appropriate sound palette
Inspiring combination patches
Period instruments and voices picture

What’s Included

Tap into the tones and textures of an earlier musical era with an array of orchestral instruments and voices.


Male and female vocalists from a Baroque-inspired choir produce pure, natural tones singing German syllables taken from Bach’s Passions.

Choir image
Strings image


Recorded with gut strings and period bows, Miroire’s violins and violas deliver rich, complex sounds and softer tones than modern instruments.

Basso Continuo

Double bass, two celli, and a bassoon enable you to create bass lines as part of the basso continuo section.

Basso Continuo image
Woodwinds image


Miroire offers multiple period woodwinds, including Baroque flute and oboe, oboe d’amore, and oboe de caccia. Built with softer materials than modern winds, these instruments offer gentle, warm, and mellow tones for expressive parts.


Valveless period horns, restricted to the harmonic series, were captured without a hand in the bell for a direct tone. Valveless period trumpets deliver a powerful sound, perfect for fanfares.

Brass image
Walkthrough thumbnail

A modern lens into the past

Miroire features stylized vocal sounds plus specially prepared instruments to evoke the music of three centuries ago. Singing vowels from 18th century liturgy, the choir offers pure, natural tones with little vibrato. Coloratura legato enables fast ornamentations.

String instruments use gut strings and period bows for warm tonality with complex overtones. Winds made from soft woods and using few mechanics provide a mellow, intimate timber. And valveless brass instruments deliver a full sound.

A modern lens into the past

Recording details

Musicians were meticulously sampled in the main room at Berlin’s acclaimed Teldex Studio, enabling you to blend these sounds seamlessly with other Orchestral Tools libraries.

All voices and instruments were recorded at A4=415 Hz—the most common tuning for performing Baroque music. Samples were mapped a half step lower to provide compatibility with modern tuning, though they retain their rich, slightly darker tone.

How to score a historic drama cue with miroire

How to score a historic drama cue with miroire

Mic merging
Preserve your system resources: Fine-tune your mix using multiple mic positions, then merge into a single channel within the player.

Greater usability
SINE is designed to complement the compositional workflow. Create on the fly with auto keyswitch options, and easy remapping tools.

Download à la carte
Choose only the instruments and mic positions that you currently need—no need to download the entire collection at once.


Orchestral Perspectives


Period instruments and voices


Teldex Scoring Stage, Berlin

399,00 € +VAT

Not licensed
  • Rumors At Court by Benny Oschmann
  • Miroire Trailer by Sascha Knorr
  • Mystic Mirror by David Kudell
  • Lestro Vivaldico by Susanne Hardt
  • Memento Mori by Allen Constantine
  • Ephemera by Timo Loosli
  • The Professor by Emmanuel Jacob
  • Vesper by Joel Kreimeyer Kelly
  • Book of Rituals by Alex Niedt
  • Pace by Maxi Menot
  • The Duel by Emmanuel Jacob (Berlin Harpsichords and Miroire)


  • Works with Orchestral Tools’ SINE Player—NOTE: Very latest version required!
  • SINEarc compressed: 32,92 GB // Uncompressed: 97,9 GB
  • 24 bit / 48 KHz patches
  • System requirements SINE:
  • Mac OS 10.13, i5, 4 GB RAM (16+ GB recommended)
  • Windows 10, Intel Core i5 or similar (Windows 7 is not officially supported)
  • Interfaces: VST, AU


If you want to buy the Kontakt version of this collection, please note:

  • This is not the latest version of this collection - the SINE version might offer additional features not available here
  • We don't maintain and update the older Kontakt versions of our collections
  • You can upgrade this Kontakt version to the SINE version later for an additional upgrade fee*

*= Upgrade fee is around 10% of the regular collection price. This is due to doubled costs for downloads and licensing.